A Good Person?
Christian Living Leland King Christian Living Leland King

A Good Person?

This post is for anyone who believes that God will accept everyone into eternal bliss because they are a "basically good person.” I can’t think of many people who wouldn’t want to be in heaven and live in a world of no trouble and pain after they die.

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Tough Guy
Christian Living Leland King Christian Living Leland King

Tough Guy

We all have a master inside of us driving our words and deeds … a lord that motivates us. For some, it is the lord of pragmatism- whatever works the best to get you the best deal. Maybe it’s the lord of laziness, doing and saying whatever will get you the most without you having to do much of anything.

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Greener Grass?
Christian Living Leland King Christian Living Leland King

Greener Grass?

There are forces that weigh down heavily upon us, situations that tax our abilities to figure out what we will do. And there are good ways and bad ways to handle these situations. “If only I had this, then life would be grand!” “If I only had more money, or a different mate, or a different look.”

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Happiness On a Bumpy Field
Christian Living Leland King Christian Living Leland King

Happiness On a Bumpy Field

The promise of a level playing field plays does play well to anyone who gets excited about finding a fifty-dollar bill blowing down the highway. Who doesn’t enjoy receiving something for nothing? It also sounds like a compassionate thing to do for people, provided that it isn’t MY money that is blowing in the wind.

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The Tower of Babel Today
Bible Study Leland King Bible Study Leland King

The Tower of Babel Today

A fresh look at an ancient story. This study will revisit a popular children’s Bible Story, the story of the Tower of Babel found in Genesis 11:1-9. I believe you will find that there are some deeper lessons to be found here that are more for adults than kids.

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