Our Services


Bible Study (all ages): 10:00

Worship: 11:00

What to expect in our worship:

If you are visiting our worship assembly we believe you will find yourself surrounded by a group of loving people who will make you feel comfortable and welcomed.  Our worship services are informal and simple; no one is more exalted than anyone else, and we have no special clothing or titles that distinguish our leaders.

In our worship, we sing together as a congregation.  We believe in the joy of everyone singing together, and our choice to sing a cappella reflects the importance of praising God with “one voice.”  Prayer is a foundational part of the times we gather together, and we believe in a God who hears our prayers and has the power to act according to His good will.  We share in a weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper, where we serve bread and juice in a memorial meal of unity.  The bread represents Jesus’ body of which we are all a part, and the juice symbolizes the blood of Christ which secured our salvation.  This meal was instituted by Jesus on the night before he was crucified.  We offer a time for our members and anyone who so desires to contribute financially to the work of the church.  The money we receive goes toward spreading the love of God through benevolence and other good works.  We share time in God’s Word, through reading, teaching, and preaching of the Bible.  We also take time for a deeper study of the Bible through Sunday morning Bible classes or individual Bible studies. 

            We hope this website will be a tool for further study as well.  Many of the studies we have had in the past are included for your own personal study.  If you have any questions, feel free to send them to us in the “contact” area and we will get back to you with an answer.      

            We believe the worship of the original church was simple and unadorned, and we are trying to model our own atmosphere after that of early believers.  If you would like to worship in such informal simplicity and joy, we invite you to visit us.  If you are looking for a friendly, Bible-based church, drop in for a Bible study.  We don’t claim to know all truth, but we DO know the only One whose word IS truth.  If you have gone too long hearing every message except the life-giving message of Jesus, we invite you to discover just how dynamic and life-changing the Word of God can be.  All of us need to be sure about that deepest and most important need of all, the need of our very soul.