Who We Are:

Our name, the Conway Church of Christ, really describes who we are ... a group of believers who belong to Jesus Christ.  He has filled a need in our souls that no one or nothing else can.  Our church family is a diverse group of people united by their common bond with Jesus, the only one who has the answers to the deep spiritual questions we all ask.  We believe that the Bible is the true word of God, and that the truths found in its pages give us a perfect guide for our lives.  We seek to follow the purposes God has in mind for us which include:

(1) Using the gifts God has given us to build one another up.  We all have gifts we can use for God’s glory!

(2) Glorifying God and acknowledging His activity in our lives through our worship.  God is worthy of our praise and honor!   

(3) Growing personally in our relationship with Jesus Christ through the study and application of the Bible.  God’s power can give us victory to overcome whatever struggles we may be facing in life.   

(4) Sharing our life with others and creating a positive environment for people to learn about Jesus.  We want you to experience the life we enjoy, and answer any questions you may have.  

(5) Serving our community and doing what we can to meet the needs of our neighbors in whatever way we can. 

Churches of Christ

            The Church of Christ defined most simply is a group of believers whom God has added to His redeemed family.  We believe in Jesus’ promise to save sinners, and as the earliest believers did, we have united ourselves with Christ in baptism, the point at which our personal faith comes into contact with God’s redeeming grace.  We are a spiritual family with other Christians of like mind who are dedicated in love to encourage one another and who are likewise desiring to be a blessing to the world around us.

            We are part of a rich heritage of believers beginning in the days of the early Apostles whose obedience and allegiance to Jesus as the Savior and Messiah began what Jesus refers to in Matthew 18 as “the church.”  It is Jesus’ church, hence the decision we make to call ourselves by the name we do.  While it is true that we have a historical connection to the American Restoration Movement, we have an equally common historical connection to many other believers throughout the centuries whose hearts and souls have remained true to God’s Word in all aspects of worship and life.  Our desire is to imitate the heart and simplicity of early Christianity, not by trying to change society, but by trying to exhibit and model Christian values and life amid our society.  Society is only a reflection of the hearts of its individuals, so we focus on the restoration and redemption of individual people.  

            As were the early churches of the Bible, we do not have an earthly headquarters and have no man-made creed.  The Churches of the New Testament were autonomous, meaning that each local gathering of believers was governed by its own understanding of scripture, and fellowshipped with other believers based on the common bond they shared with those who followed the teachings of Christ and the inspired Apostles.

            While many religious groups today downplay the inspiration of the Bible, we believe the Bible is truly God’s inspired Word, and that it alone can address the needs of our human condition. We hope you would consider the truthfulness and power of God’s Word based upon lives that have been transformed by it, not from skeptics who do not believe in its power.