Tough Guy

Calm Down, Tough Guy!

            Ole tough-guy is at it again.  Word is out he is at a store and sees the owner of a local deli.  "I got the f…&#$%** lousiest sub last night at your place!"  We all kind of wonder what's up with tough guys, but who dares to ask?  Maybe it’s his upbringing?  More likely a longing to be heard, but, man, is he going about it all wrong or what???

            We all have a master inside of us driving our words and deeds … a lord that motivates us.  For some, it is the lord of pragmatism- whatever works the best to get you the best deal.  Maybe it’s the lord of laziness, doing and saying whatever will get you the most without you having to do much of anything.  Maybe the Lord of the Bible, living inside of them, driving them to imitate his character. 

            Everyone has a lord, whether they admit it or not. Tough guy has his lord, and that is the lord of egotism, whatever will paint you in the loudest colors, while purposely diminishing others.  Which is fine provided that the subjects of your kingdom hear your words over everyone else.  The problem is, tell ole tough guy that, and he'll likely respond, "I couldn't care less!" (although I am quite certain his English skills would make it a bit more colorful!)    

            I wish that tough guy would come to know that one day he'll have to give an account for the many "care-less" words he has spewed upon us.  Doubt he believes that, but I can only wonder what kind of change he might experience if he were to realize "there is no creature hidden from His (God's) sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do."  Right now in this life, ole tough guy only "has to do" with us, and he'll hold his own since it all depends on volume and venom.  But come face to face with one whose voice ushered creation into existence, and we can only wonder… 

Hebrews 4:13  "And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do."


A Good Person?


Greener Grass?